If you are preparing to buy your fiance a diamond, don't limit yourself to the jewelry store. Do consider buying it at a resale store or pawn shop. Because these establishments loan money for jewelry or buy it outright, they are able to offer you amazingly low prices for their wares. If you have a limited budget but a taste for elegance, a pawn shop can be the answer to your diamond needs.
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Building up a collection of brand new designer jewelry or family heirlooms calls for investing in quality storage equipment that matches the materials in your collection. Storing a set of fragile 100-year-old pearl earrings in the same way as you package your sports watch could leave your favorite items permanently damaged. Mix and match the right types of organizers and storage containers by considering the needs of the most delicate jewelry materials first.
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Is your dream of owning your own craft business finally coming true? Now that all the legalities are out of the way, your focus is probably on building your business. If that's the case, from advertising to providing the right glass beads, here are some ideas that might help you to be successful in your new enterprise.
Advertising - Order small bags that display the name and logo of your business. Put a discount card in each one of them and ask all your friends and relatives to pass them out to anybody they think will be interested shopping at your store.
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Give something different and unexpected this holiday; instead of giving the same gemstones and jewelry items, look for pieces that are less conventional. There are some striking gemstones that could comprise the piece that brings smiles, or perhaps tears, on Christmas morning. These stones vary in their availability, so talk with your jeweler to ensure you have your item in time for the holidays.
Five unexpected and distinctive jewelry ideas for holiday gift-giving include:
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If you and your future spouse are shopping for wedding rings, then you might want to consider some options other than traditional wedding bands made of gold and diamonds. There is a wide variety of other stones and materials on the market today that make beautiful and lasting jewelry options.
Here are four alternative options besides the traditional gold and diamond styles:
Alternative #1: Wood Wedding Rings
Craftsmen who work with wood often create amazing rings out of exotic woods.
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